- Bryan finally gets a doctor to come in as the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth come out. Kofi tells Bryan to do everyone a favor and just leave. Truth says they have business to handle. Bryan introduces himself to Little Jimmy and then kicks the little guy out ofthe ring. Truth runs out of the ring to check on Little Jimmy. Bryan ridicules him for consoling an invisible child. Bryan’s guys in white suits come out. They’re here to take Truth away for being crazy. GM AJ comes out and says Truth isn’t the one who needs help, Bryan is. She says he seems mentally unstable tonight and in the interest of a safe working environment, Bryan needs a psychiatric evaluation. AJ has Bryan escorted out of the ring by the guys in white suits. Bryan confronts AJ on the stage and just stares at her before walking off to the back with the guys in white around him. Back to commercial.
- It’s announced that Vince McMahon will be on SmackDown to name a new General Manager.
*Kofi Kingston vs. Titus O’Neil
R-Truth and Little Jimmy sit at ringside as Kofi Kingston waits in the ring. AW gets on the apron and throws his shoe at Kofi. AW runs off as Kofi throws the shoe back at him. Kofi turns around to a big slam from Titus for the win.
Winner: Titus O’Neil
- John Cena is backstage with CM Punk. Punk talks about the #1 contender match tonight. He says Cena is mad because he did to The Rock in one night what he couldn’t do in a year. Punk tells Cena to get over it and get ready. Back to commercial.
*Heath Slater vs. Randy Orton
Heath Slater is in the ring as we get a look back at his segment with the Legends at RAW 1000. Slater says the Legends have finally gone back to the retirement home so he can get his career back on track. Orton drops to the mat and lays Slater out with a RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
- Daniel Bryan is backstage talking to someone. He says his neck hurts and we see the doctor. He asks Bryan questions and Bryan answers them all with yes. Bryan interrupts the doctor and just goes on a wild “yes” chanting spree.
*Chris Jericho and Christian vs. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler
Jericho with the Walls of Jericho on Miz but he counters it. Miz witha kick to the face. Jericho blocks Skull Crushing Finale and hits the Codebreaker for the win.
Winners: Christian and Chris Jericho
- After the match, Ziggler lays out Jericho with a briefcase shot to the head. Ziggler stands over Jericho and stares for a minute before leaving up the ramp with Vickie.
- Another segment with Daniel Bryan and the psychiatrist backstage. They’re looking at pictures and one of them is made to look like a goat face. Bryan says the only goat about him is that he’s the greatest of all-time. Bryan asks the doctor if Charlie Sheen put him up to this. Bryan says if Sheen’s watching, then he is the one winning, not Sheen.
*Tensai vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd with a big kick and a blockbuster from the top for a 2 count. Tensai comes out of nowhere with a big slam and backsplash for the win.
Winner: Tensai
- After the match, Tensai picks Kidd up for a pair of big clotheslines. He drop elbows as the referee tells him to back off. Tensai drops Kidd with a big backbreaker as Sakamoto looks on from the corner. The referee reverses his decision and Kiss wins by DQ.
Winner by DQ: Tyson Kidd
- Tensai goes back after Kidd but officials back him off. Tensai looks around and tells Sakamoto to come to him. Tensai takes out his anger on Sakamoto and slaps him to the mat. Tensai dumps Sakamoto out to the floor. - Another segment with Bryan and the doctor. The doctor finds him to have a weird obsession with Charlie Sheen but he is indeed 100% sane. Bryan is free to go. The red light comes on and in comes Kane. Kane says he’s Bryan’s anger management therapist. Kane slams Bryan into the walls and leaves him laying.
- Lawler and Cole hype SummerSlam and we get another look at the segment Triple H and Brock Lesnar from RAW 1000.
*Big Show vs. John Cena
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk for commentary. Punk rips on Lawler and calls his commentary awful. Cena finally goes for the Attitude Adjustment on Show but Punk makes the save. Punk then kicks Show in the face and lays him out. Punk takes a mic and announces that there is no winner. Punk leaves the ring and heads to the back when AJ comes out. She says both men are winners and Punk will defend at SummerSlam against Show and Cena in a Triple Threat. Punk comes back out and argues with AJ. RAW goes off the air with Punk demanding respect from AJ. Source: WrestleNewz.com